Passport tutorial

Duration: 11:00 Tutorial

Every Course can have a Passport. Passport is a powerful measuring tool for the Course Administrator, an overview of Course influence, a go-to place if you want to know the course’s outputs, outcomes and impact.

Passport starts with two fields that help to describe the general goal of the course and its audience. Below you’ll find three main sections:

  • Outputs – information collected from Course analytics
  • Outcomes – information collected from students with Outcomes survey
  • Impact – information collected from students with Impact survey

You can export all that information to the CSV file for further analysis.


Outputs are selected analytics displayed in time. You can display a chart for:

  • Students that enrolled in the course
  • Students that completed half of the course
  • Students that started conversation
  • Students that completed the course
  • Students that enrolled in next course

To add an Output click “Add Output” and choose the desired type. You can also specify a goal that you want to meet over time (optional). Goals can be edited or removed later.

With the blue line you see the actual value over time. If you’ve set a goal it will be displayed on the chart with a red line.


Outcomes are information you get from a survey called “Outcome survey”. You create that survey in the passport’s outcomes section.

To add an Outcome question click “Add Outcome”. List of available questions is prepared by Superadmin. Depending on the type of questions different informations will be displayed:

  • Yes/No – chart with blue line showing “Yes” answers
  • Multiple answer – a separate chart for every listed answer
  • Text – a collection of all text answers in a scrollable box

For “Yes/No” and “Multiple answer” You can specify a goal that you want to meet over time (optional). Goals can be edited or removed later. They will be displayed on the charts with a red line.

You may want to display some questions conditionally, based on the answer to the previous question. To do that, when adding an outcome click “Add condition”, choose the question and specific answer that will trigger the display.

Outcome survey

Adding an Outcome to the passport results in adding a question to the Outcome survey. The order of questions will follow the passport’s order.

Outcome survey can be a slide in your course (Course Administration -> Content -> Course -> Add Outcome survey). This means that you can put it in any place you like (typically this would be close to the end of course).

If the student opened but didn’t fill out the survey, in 30 minutes the system will send him an email with a direct link to that survey. This email will be also sent out after course completion if you didn’t put an Outcome survey slide in your course.


The Impact section collects information from Impact surveys. These are surveys that are sent some time after the course is Completed. There could be more than one Impact survey sent to the student.

To add an Impact question click “Add Impact” and choose the desired question. The list of available questions is prepared by Superadmin. Depending on the type of questions different informations will be displayed:

  • Yes/No – chart with blue line showing “Yes” answers
  • Multiple answer – a separate chart for every listed answer
  • Text – a collection of all text answers in a scrollable box

For “Yes/No” and “Multiple answer” you can specify a goal that you want to meet over time (optional). Goals can be edited or removed later. They will be displayed on the charts with a red line.

You can relate an Impact question presented to the student to his answer from the Outcomes survey. This could be used to remind the student of his answer and compare the current status. You can relate every Impact question to any text question from the Outcome survey. To do that, when adding an Impact click “Relate to Outcomes” and choose the question you want to relate to (this feature must be first configured by Superadmin for every Impact question).

Example: Impact question related to an Outcome

John, 20 days ago you said: I want to be more patient. Were you able to succeed?


Impact survey

Adding an Impact to the passport results in adding a question to the Impact survey. Users will receive an email with the link to that survey.

One of the parameters of every impact question is the number of days after course completion this question is sent out. If you add two (or more) questions that are to be sent after the same amount of days they will be presented together on the same survey.

Example: Impact setup

Question 1 – sent 14 days after course completion

Question 2 – sent 14 days after course completion

Question 3 – sent 60 days after course completion

After 14 days the user will receive an email with the link to the survey with Questions 1&2. After 60 days the user will receive an email with the link to the survey with Question 3 (and Questions 1&2 if they were not answered before).




Reviews are gathered from students on the review slide.
Course review is assigned directly to the User, not to the Student, so if the User is going through the course for the second time, he won’t have an option to submit a review again.

Users have a chance to edit a review only for 10 minutes after submitting it. Only approved reviews are visible publicly.

Managing course reviews

On the course Reviews panel you can see 4 tabs:

  • All – overview of your all course reviews
  • Pending – reviews waiting for approval
  • Approved – approved reviews. All reviews here will be available in course home page (if “show user reviews on course related pages” is ON)
  • Dismissed – dismissed reviews. Those reviews are probably impolite and you just don’t want to publish them.

Show user reviews on course related pages – You can leave it “off” if you just begin collecting user reviews and you want to wait until you gather some more. When enabled, you will see rating and reviews on the front page (course tiles) and on the course home page. On Course home page we show reviews with star rank, number of thumbs up and number of thumbs down.

Reviews can be approved manually or automatically. The option Automatically approve new reviews makes every submitted review automatically approved.

You can answer a review with a quick public message. Just head to the particular review and hit Answer review. It could encourage people to write more reviews or you can just answer the questions from users.




GrowPoint gathers information on a student’s performance and their course activities. Learn what works best and define the bottlenecks to improve your course experience.

It’s important to remember that most of the numbers shown in analytics are event based and are not correlated with each other. Example: the number of course completion events may be bigger than course start events for the selected date range.

Analytics date range – choose date range for data analysis. All data displayed in Analytics are filtered by this parameter.

Overview – have a quick look at the most important analytics

Analytics details – click on the icon in the top-right corner of all event-based analytics to see charts with the number of events daily and in the last 12 months. Charts also display a red line depicting the trend for the given data.

Analytics comparison– small green or red percentage displayed next to the analytics show the comparison of the current date range with the same time duration proceeding the current date rane.

Home page visits – number of course Home page views. Every single view is counted here.

Enrollments – number of all enrollment events (students signing up for the course)

Enrollments daily average – number of enrollments divided by the number of days

Courses started – number of students that started the course (course group was approved)

Courses started daily average – number of courses started divided by the number of days

Unique visiting students – number of students that visited the course at least once

Course visits – number of course-page student’s visits (counted max 1 visit a day per student)

Average visits per student – number of course visits divided by the number of unique visiting students

First-message sent – number of students that sent their first message in course

Total messages – number of all messages sent by students and coaches

Half course reached – number of students that completed half of the course

Most discussed slides – a list of slides that received the biggest number of messages

Drop-out slides – a list of slides that students tend to stop and leave course

Courses completed – number of course completion events

Courses completed daily average – number of courses completed divided by the number of days

Average time to completion – average number of days from course start to course completion

Previous courses – chart describing to which other courses students enrolled in enrolling in this course

Next courses – chart describing other courses students enrolled in after they enrolled in this course