

Manage general settings of your course

Course name
 -name of the course

Course slug – URL of your course’s Home page,

Course picture – a picture displayed in course tile, course Home page and promoted courses slider

Custom „promoted” graphic – add a custom graphic that will be used in the “promoted courses slider” on the front page.

Social interaction – choose the default social interaction for your course.

Access – choose how your course can be accessed
Public – visible on the front page in categories
Private – accessible only with a link, not visible on the front page

Tags – add tags to your course. Tags are used mainly for filtering in global analytics

Category – assign course to categories displayed on the front page

Course length – decide after how many days course groups will expire and will be closed.

User fields

Fields listed here will be the fields that the course will display to the users on the enrollment form. If the user was asked in another course for a particular information and it’s already in his profile then this field will not be displayed on the form.

Course Administrator, Course Coordinator and Coaches will only have access to student’s data from the “user fields” list. No data will be shared with other courses.

Add new user field – add a new user field to your course by picking from the list of fields created by Superadmin and decide if it’s required or optional.

Add divider – add a divider that helps to group user fields on the enrollment form.

Other options

Add extra functionalities to your course


Quick start – allow students to start course without waiting for the assignment (only in courses with Coach)

Don’t allow new enrollments – remove access to enrollment form for the course. You may want to use it when your Course starts only once a year or you want to lock new registrations to the course you plan to move to the archive.

Require course key – Protect your course enrollment with a password

External registration form – use combination of WordPress plugins to register users in GrowPoint directly from WordPress.

This feature enables visitors of the wordpress site to register to GrowPoint directly on the wordpress site by filling a form. To use this scenario you need two plugins for your wordpress:

  1. Gravity Forms
  2. GrowPointWordpress binder

In the GrowPointWordress binder plugin enter the course key and the secret key provided by GrowPoint to establish a secure and encrypted connection between GrowPoint and WordPress. Then map gravity forms fields IDs to the corresponding GrowPoint course user fields.

Please contact helpdesk for more information and required plugin.

Closing course by students – allow students to close their course

Extending course by students – allow students to extend their course expiration date

Display “Ask question” button -„Ask question” button will be located next to the course slide. It will email a student’s question to the Course Coordinator or link to My Coach panel if the Coach is assigned.

Custom color for course elements – choose custom color for buttons and links in course.

To create a unique and original character of your course, the course sidebar is built from 2 colors, which are set up as a gradient.
Custom course navigation color #1 – this field stands for first color.
Custom course navigation color #2 – this field stands for the second color.

Enable dark theme for sidebar text – If you want to use dark background images / dark background color, it could be better to have white texts on the sidebar instead of black.

Custom “Say hello” link – choose slide in which Coach can greet Student (default: MyStudent Page or Group Page for group with more than 1 student) The “Say hello” link is displayed to the coaches next to the student name on My-Courses->Coach tab when they interact with a student for the first time.

Custom “course completion” point – count courses as “completed” when students reach the chosen slide (default: last slide). This setting doesn’t change the course flow but it’s affecting the analytics and how course completion is counted.

Course certification – enable course certificate download on the last slide. Add certificate’s picture and custom message. Other certificate texts can be set in the Language menu.

Event tracking codes – set the custom event tracking specific to the Course. More information in the Global event tracking section.



Set additional notifications for coaches and course coordinators.

Notify coach after 3 days of student’s inactivity – send email notification to coach after 3 days of student not logging in
Notify coach after 7 days of student’s inactivity – send email notification to coach after 7 days of student not logging in
Notify coordinators about coach’s red flag – send email notification to course coordinators when coach gets a red flag
Notify coordinators about new student – send email notification to course coordinators when a new student enrolls in course
Notify coordinators that student completed the course – send email notification to course coordinators when the student completes the course.
Notify coordinators that student didn’t complete the course – send email notification to course coordinators when the student’s course expired and student didn’t reach the course completion point.
Send congratulation email to student – send student an email with congratulations after reaching the course completion point.
Course expiration alert – send email notification to students whose course will expire after the number of days set in “When to send the alert” field below.
Send only to students that didn’t complete the course – it’s likely that you’ll not want to send this alert to the students that completed the course
When to send the alert? – The number of days before the course expires. This is also the number used to highlight in red the “course end” date in the course card on MyCourses.
Notify coordinators about new reviews – send email notification to course coordinators with information that a new review was submitted
Notify coordinators about edited reviews – send email notification to course coordinators with information that student has edited the review