
GrowPoint 4.6 (September 2024)

  • Course slides exportable to PDF [Feature request]
  • Advanced cookies management that lets you organize cookies in a more granular way [Feature request]
  • Global email switch-off: Turn off emails being sent from the platform with just a click, giving you full control over your email communications [Feature request]
  • Expose basic Superadmin dashboard data via API [Feature request]
  • Customizable font size: Change the font size on the entire platform to suit your preferences and improve readability [Feature request]
  • Customizable content font size [Feature request]
  • Link suffix in Item Teasers: Add custom parameters to links in Item Teasers block (i.e. to add UTM data) [Feature request]
  • Ability to change top spacing of each rich-text editor’s block
  • Ability to format text in „Quote” block [Feature request]
  • User session is valid until next day evening instead of fixed 24h since login action
  • Simplified layout in My courses -> Coach panel action items
  • More syntax checks when saving the Automatic Matching configuration
  • Increase date weight sorting granularity to seconds instead of days in Automatic Matching system
  • Remove additional „Overview” button from the mobile view of Course UI
  • Automatic Matching – „Recalculate All” button clears all previous matches before creating new recommendations [Feature request]
  • Remove default page title suffix (previously ’-{Page name}’)


  • Message box expanding into huge size after pasting in content


GrowPoint 4.5 (July 2024)

  • Automatic matching! System will create student-coach pair recommendations based on the provided algorithm for you [Feature request]
  • Introduce API access. Connect to your platform via external services and get basic access to all CMS Items [Feature request]
  • Add User identifier to course reviews in Course Administration to easily find review’s owner [Feature request]
  • Option to filter Engagement Outcomes by Open/Closed groups [Feature request]
  • Option to filter Engagement Outcomes by creation date [Feature request]
  • Engagement Outcomes CSV export [Feature request]
  • Displaying Engagement Outcomes on Coach’s Closed groups [Feature request]
  • Ability to set a button in rich-text editor to open links in new tab [Feature request]
  • Option to set preferred timezones to have the most used timezones available on the top of the timezone select box [Feature request]
  • Course listing page displays shortcuts to active courses of the user
  • Ability to switch off autoplay on Video detail page
  • Ability to show custom course structure on course homepage
  • Secure „resend confirmation email” action from excessive usage (max 1 email per 5 minutes)
  • Menu links have access to items with public or only-by-link visibility
  • Add support for uploading files with names consisting non ASCII characters
  • Description of required course user field is now shown under the user field label which allows having longer descriptions [Feature request]
  • Button order in course layout on mobile screen now prioritize „My Coach” / „My Group” panels over „All Conversations” panel.
  • Rating filter sorted by „the most stars” first
  • „Show more” button in Item teasers doesn’t filter next items by a channel
  • Header dropdown content is covered by different header elements


GrowPoint 4.4 (May 2024)

  • Group invite link available for coaches and students [Feature request]
  • Ability to set maximum number of students per group [Feature request]
  • Ability to filter coaches by their senior coach [Feature request]
  • Ability to filter coaches by their assignment date to their current senior coach [Feature request]
  • Ability to assign multiple coaches to a senior coach, even if they already have senior coach assigned [Feature request]
  • Invite group to take next course [Feature request]
  • Option to resend friend invitation email once every 2 hours [Feature request]
  • User course invitations are visible now on „My courses” page and on course homepage
  • Editable reasons why student/coach cancelled their course [Feature request]
  • Content items from the same channel visible as related items on item detail pages
  • Additional variable %new_user_name% in „New student in Course – to Coordinator” email template [Feature request]
  • Option to not show picture on top of the article
  • Tag page has now options to sort items, filter by item type, and filter by rating
  • Add Albert Sans and Gloock to self-hosted fonts [Feature request]
  • Translatable „tag” and „channel” urls [Feature request]
  • Ability to filter each CMS content type by Author
  • Duration info on video item thumbnail
  • „Item teasers” rich-text block has an offset field now, allowing to skip a number of items in given set (useful when you want to use more „Item teasers” blocks on one page)
  • Settable Background color when using background image for an item
  • Settable bullet infos in „Item teasers” rich-text block
  • More flexible registration system
  • Possibility to set review as featured also in „Pending” reviews panel [Feature request]
  • CMS items entries added to Sitemap to improve Search Engine Optimization
  • Students number visibility threshold enabled on legacy Front Page builder
  • Nicer radio button layout
  • Article page text area stretched to the whole width of the container
  • Visible course progress for students in „Running without coach” tab
  • ’table’ block in rich-text editor has now easy way to format text (bold, italic, link, underline) and „shift+enter” to add new line in the same cell
  • Administrators and coordinators have now access to courses being in „Draft” visibility [Feature request]
  • Partner organizations filter should be visible only on administration pages
  • „Scheduled meeting” email should show full date and time to user, not only time part
  • Next and previous course statistics didn’t take the last day from date range into calculation


GrowPoint 4.3 (March 2024)

  • “Content paths” – offer a curated journey through interconnected content, leading viewers along a trail of related items that together create a seamless narrative.
  • Possibility to add HLS source in video module [Feature request]
  • View count on content item administrative listings [Feature request]
  • Users started/completed number of courses platform analytics chart
  • Show current number of students per slide on course slides list [Feature request]
  • Aggregating „New message received” emails. Users will now receive condensed email about new messages after 1 hour from first „new message received” email.
  • Ability to change default avatar [Feature request]
  • Ability to set a number from which course teasers will show number of students [Feature request]
  • Ability to set time format [Feature request]
  • All content list in superadmin panel
  • Ability to duplicate CMS Item
  • Add honeypot field into registration form to reduce number of fake accounts
  • Ability to filter by a „Channel” in Item teasers
  • Better quality of poster image in video block
  • URL Redirects pass additional parameters


  • Showing invalid Private note last update date


GrowPoint 4.2.8

  • Button to show past conversations in new tab is not visible for coaches


GrowPoint 4.2.7

  • The login/registration screen by default uses the dark version of the logo, as it better fits the current layout


GrowPoint 4.2.6

  • Missing authorization in media resource managing actions


GrowPoint 4.2.5

  • Add support for .ico files


GrowPoint 4.2.4

  • Course payload link fallback page is not loading properly


GrowPoint 4.2.3

  • Accountability Partner doesn’t get „Answers summary” email


GrowPoint 4.2.2

  • Course homepage „Content color” field default value is missing


GrowPoint 4.2.1

  • Senior Coach can view assigned coach’s past students info


GrowPoint 4.2 (January 2024)

  • Platform internal url redirection system
  • Related items – set related content for given CMS item and show them as „Related items” module
  • Custom page builder option for course homepage
  • Block „Accordion” in rich text editor
  • Senior coach has a place to see coach user data [Feature request]
  • Ability to filter all conversation panel by 'not answered’
  • Ability to change „Ask question” icon [Feature request]
  • Ability to show given student information in coach’s past course [Feature request]
  • Separate setting for slide preview
  • Preview content button in cms course edit page [Feature request]
  • Each CMS content item has now published date information [Feature request]
  • Ability to switch off the „Show more” button on course homepage [Feature request]
  • Visual radio buttons in admin panel
  • Block image preview
  • Ability to load native Vimeo player in Video content item
  • UI changes for CMS filters
  • Content page shows only content-like items
  • Boxy elements got rounded corners
  • Increase number of shown tags in given tag group (up to 100) [Feature request]
  • CMS Delimiter block in Rich Text editor generates a line instead of three stars
  • Coach’s students are sorted from newest to oldest
  • Course list on administration panel is now sorted by „order” field
  • Remove analytics data for redactor role
  • Analytics date range panel covers User menu
  • Multiple fields filtering in CMS
  • Error when user is redactor and zoom integration is enabled
  • Error when sorting only by 'created_at’ information


GrowPoint 4.1.2

  • New naming convention for landing/simple pages in system urls


GrowPoint 4.1.1

  • Changing the course administration settings for a course with „draft” visibility changes its visibility to „Removed”


GrowPoint 4.1 (December 2023)

  • Channel content type. Create internal brands and assign content to them! [Feature request]
  • Coach quick actions panel. On top of My Courses page coaches will see their urgent actions items, such as list of new students, groups with yellow and red flags and, optionally, groups with students who are missing engagement outcome [Feature request]
  • FAQ structured data. Course FAQ will be scanned by search engine crawlers allowing for even better organic search result presentation.
  • Additional call-to-action button on the bottom of the course homepage
  • Additional call-to-action button on the bottom of shared course slide
  • Additional call-to-action button on the first slide of course structure in course homepage
  • Related items shown in a randomized order
  • Adjust number of reviews initially displayed on the course homepage
  • Option to remove item type info from „Item teasers” block
  • URL redirection system that remembers the history of item slugs and redirects to the latest one
  • Email notification to coach about missing engagement outcome in expiring group [Feature request]
  • Ability to sort students in Admin->Users->Students->[Students] by enrollment time [Feature request]
  • Ability to sort conversations in admin view for active groups [Feature request]
  • Ability to open conversations in admin view for active groups in a new tab [Feature request]
  • Ability to hide login button in site’s header
  • Ability to expand/collapse all modules in page builder
  • Ability to change heading level in „Item teasers” block title
  • Ability to set custom sorting order for tag groups
  • Ability to limit the amount of engagement outcomes to one per student
  • [Action required] New login/register form with refactored social login buttons.
    Please add to your Facebook social login app redirect url: https://{}/_auth/facebook/check
    Please add to your Google social login app redirect url: https://{}/_auth/google/check
  • Multi-source image loading for performance optimization
  • „Pinned slides” icon has an active state when there is at least one pinned slide
  • Nicer bottom border for multiple modules in page builder with white text color
  • Content item Video has now „additional content” field with rich text editor
  • New structured data fields in course item to show courses in search engines as „course” – Course workload/Is paid course/Course price/Currency
  • More strict error message regarding Zoom meeting removal error
  • Better handling of images in rich text editor columns
  • Menus form improvements
  • Restore platform small logo image
  • Changed location of the sticky action bar on course detail page from top to bottom of the page
  • Make course filter „rating” as last to choose
  • Content item 'reviews’ now by default shows reviews from all public courses with „Show user reviews on course related pages” option switched on
  • More strict way of parsing urls in messages
  • Simple pages in draft mode are not shown in administration simple page list
  • Incorrect slugs when using cyrillic text in Name field
  • Admin hover menu is cut off in the bottom of the page
  • Quote block should use the same font as paragraph block
  • When removing planned Zoom meeting the row with given meeting is always removed even if error occurs and meeting cannot be deleted
  • Archive errors when student is moved between running groups


GrowPoint 4.0.4 (December 2023)

  • Course image in the passport administration page doesn’t show up


GrowPoint 4.0.3 (November 2023)

  • Course type structured data is missing hasCourseInstance and offers properties


GrowPoint 4.0.2 (November 2023)

  • Relative footer links point to incorrect urls


GrowPoint 4.0.1 (November 2023)

  • Communication course preview doesn’t work


GrowPoint 4.0.0 (September 2023)

  • „Article” content type
  • „Video” content type
  • „Landing page” content type
  • „Simple page” content type
  • „Tags” system
  • „Authors” functionality
  • „Media Manager” functionality
  • Flexible „Page builder” engine
  • „Redactor” user role
  • Configurable navigation system
  • Course homepage „Bullet points” module
  • Course homepage „FAQ” module
  • Course homepage „Course structure” module with option to preview slides
  • Course homepage „Featured review” module
  • Course homepage „Course card disclaimer” text
  • Option to schedule publish date of a content item
  • Option to generate an invite link to a specific course group
  • Content specific font setting
  • Profile links available as a dropdown menu
  • Structured rich text editor for long form content
  • Ability to build fully custom front page based on a new page builder engine
  • Option to set a site-wide date format
  • Group student count visible in administrative course group list
  • Ability to remove Senior Coach role from user
  • Ability to give course group its administrative name
  • „Montserrat” and „Source Serif Pro” in Self-hosted font options
  • General look-and-feel refresh
  • Scalable typography
  • General performance improvements
  • Course welcome page fully flexible via a page builder engine
  • Course UI refresh
  • Course UI layout update for mobile devices
  • Course reviews module showing only 3 reviews at the start on course homepage
  • Google login button misleading action before Google SDK load


GrowPoint 3.12.9 (August 2023)

  • „Show conversation in new tab” link showing error popup when clicked


GrowPoint 3.12.8 (August 2023)

  • ’Student assignment – to Coach’ email is now sent not only when the coach is assigned to the group, but also when the student joins the running group


GrowPoint 3.12.7 (July 2023)

  • Inability to change course category visibility


GrowPoint 3.12.6 (July 2023)

  • Youtube/Vimeo players are not shown in Chromium-based browsers when Zoom Web view is enabled


GrowPoint 3.12.5 (July 2023)

  • Usage of Adobe’s Font Name 'Source Sans Pro’ which became 'Source Sans 3′


GrowPoint 3.12.4 (June 2023)

  • Meetings tab in My courses: Now you can conveniently view all your scheduled Zoom meetings in one place
  • Meetings number available in course/superadministration dashboards and analytics
  • Ability to remove 'register to platform’ button from hero module
  • Zoom web client now has a „component mode”, allowing you to drag the Zoom call window wherever you prefer


GrowPoint 3.12.3 (April 2023)

  • Place to configure Zoom Business Meeting SDK/Server-to-Server OAuth credentials: If you are using a Business license, you can add these credentials by going to the Superadmin -> Integrations -> Zoom settings.
  • Separate integration sections into their own URLs for improved organization
  • Include student email delivery status in the student’s info table on the Course Students page.


GrowPoint 3.12.2 (April 2023)

  • Ability to set Zoom meeting timezone while scheduling meeting
  • Ability to force Zoom premium meetings on platform
  • Ability to switch on/off Zoom web client
  • Ability to set custom Welcome Page image
  • Zoom meeting start time is shown with additional timezone name
  • Coach can join Zoom meeting in native application as host
  • Coach can now enter a group without students directly from the My Courses page
  • Join current call from the Video popup directs to the native application instead of web client
  • Add interpretation of %timezone% variable in the `meeting.created.premium.success` (meeting). If you want to add this also to your translations, go to the „Meeting translations”
  • The last activity of users in the All Users CSV export is now being served in UTC
  • ’New meeting scheduled’ email template coach link directs to the course preview instead of given course group
  • Enroll action custom code is fired after start action custom code
  • Inability to filter queuing tasks via Type


GrowPoint 3.12.1 (March 2023)

  • Error in custom licensed Zoom premium hosts synchronization


GrowPoint 3.12.0 (February 2023)

  • Private notes: a place in a course slide for storing personal thoughts, ideas or anything that the user wants to keep private and not visible to anyone else. The notes can’t be viewed in administration panel and even Superadmin in „impersonation mode” doesn’t have access to them.
  • Reftagger integration – Convert Bible references into links with hover-preview. Include references like „1 John 4:19” or „Eph 2:8-9” on your site. Faithlife Reftagger automatically tags them, creating tooltips that appear when a reader hovers over them. The service is available for English language.
  • Forgot password function returns the same response for found email in database as for not found
  • Add information about time restrictions and approvals in course administration slide list to have easy preview of student course flow
  • Redirect not found slide share link to the related course homepage
  • Not deletable course certificate image
  • End date for the assignment of a Coach to a Senior Coach is not retained after form submission


GrowPoint 3.11.0 (February 2023)

  • Additional Course homepage / Course preview links available in Course dashboard
  • Option to hide My Coach / My Group / All Conversations links from course sidebar
  • Passport surveys can be optional so users don’t have to fill them to obtain access to the next slide
  • Wrong login error message formatting
  • PHP notices


GrowPoint 3.10.0 (January 2023)

  • Engagement outcomes feature – measure what are the outcomes of the student engagement with coaches! The coaches can now report on significant outcomes of their conversations based on the predefined list created by the superadministrator.
  • New mapping fields in Salesforce (all fields from All users panel, student’s current slide, course category as multiChoice field)
  • Faster Coaches/Students synchronization to Salesforce
  • Headings bug in Coach notes


GrowPoint 3.9.0 (November 2022)

  • Email blacklist feature with options to block email from registration and block email from contact form
  • White text option to quote/focus/verse blocks
  • Sort Students by assignment date in MyCourses->Coach
  • „My review” section (shown on the course homepage review list)
  • Conversations from closed course are now available via link
  • Ability to switch coach light from the administration panel
  • Ability to retain the original user avatar image with metadata
  • Ability to integrate multiple GrowPoint platforms with one Salesforce Organization
  • Ability to sort reviews by „Latest” and the „Most helpful”
  • Ability to sort conversations from closed course by „Course order”/”Conversation order”
  • Ability to add User UUID to Users CSV export
  • Front-end architecture update allowing for better performance and maintainability
  • Clicking on inactive Send Message button will highlight related input text field
  • Optimize RTL styles
  • Passport layout bugs
  • Rendering html in tooltips
  • Possible error when saving Passport Outcome answers
  • Alert in browser console about fonts preloading
  • Duplicated reviews on Course homepage
Other changes
  • Remove autofocus on login/registration page for mobile device
  • Change button layout to be more clickable in reminder/info banners
  • Change notifications layout to improve readability


GrowPoint 3.8.1 (October 2022)

  • Introduce Queuing System – this allows us to move some of the request work to the background which leads to delivering faster responses and more maintainable code.

Currently the most visible change you will see is that the emails will be sent instantly.

You can go to the Superadmin->Settings->Queuing system and see which tasks are/were/will be executed. You can also re-execute given task (i.e. resend an email to the given User).
Please use the „Execute again” function carefully as it may produce unexpected results to your users. In most cases the correct use of this function includes resolving failed tasks or debugging uncommon behaviour.


GrowPoint 3.8.0 (September 2022)

### Attention – Nerd Zone ###
Massive overhaul of the GrowPoint infrastructure and codebase.

The goal of this update is not to create any new functionalities but to strengthen the foundation of the system, which will allow us to shift faster and more reliable code for you.

Some of the things we worked on (since January 2022) are:

  • Analytics/archived data serving update
  • Framework update
  • PHP update
  • Response times optimization (in some cases we managed to reduce the response time 10x compared to previous GrowPoint versions)
  • Simplification of our server stack

Our stats show that we’ve changed more than 4300 files!

We are excited about this major (although for most users – invisible) step in our journey to bring you the most effective and safe tool for your ministry.


GrowPoint 3.7.6 (July 2022)

  • Course library Front Page module got a lot of new customizations like custom backgrounds, new course teaser layout. Go and explore 🙂
  • Ability to attach „real” Course Reviews into User Testimonials Front Page module
  • Number of „Questions to Coordinator” in Course Analytics
  • Ability to reset Flag status for a Coach [Feature request]
  • Access User UUID in custom code [Feature request]
  • User Fields statistics in Course Passport
  • Ability to export only details or only summary rows in Global Coach Statistics [Feature request]
  • Added three columns in Global Coach Statistics (’Welcome in time value’, 'Number of counted Users in average progress’, 'User identifier (UUID)’) [Feature request]
  • Added two columns to Coach Statistics (’Welcome in time value’, 'User identifier (UUID)’) [Feature request]
  • Ability to switch off notifications after 3/7 days of inactivity [Feature request]
  • Automatic email after Coach being subtracted from Senior Coach role [Feature request]
  • Add option to open footer menu links in a new tab
  • Ability to hide course from courses archived list [Feature request]
  • Registrations chart in Superadmin dashboard
  • Enrollments chart in Courses dashboards
  • Update Zoom UI translations
  • Flash messages don’t block UI
  • Simplify identifying students by Coach (available searchable User identifier in Student’s info table) [Feature request]
  • Students don’t have an option to extend Course if Course doesn’t allow Students to cancel a Course
  • Sidebar in Course sometimes covers the platform header
Other changes
  • Author field for Course Review fallbacks to user.anonymous translation if given User doesn’t have name/lastname set or given Course Review is marked as anonymous
  • Duplicate Coach full name in Global Coach Statistics CSV export [Feature request]
  • All Conversations panel is linked now in Course Sidebar [Feature request]


GrowPoint 3.7.5 (April 2022)

  • Customizable columns in User CSV export
  • Disable User function (User won’t have ability to login on own account and register with the same email)
  • Internal names for 'Slides’/’Message boxes’ visible only for coaches
  • Possibility to set custom Message box color in course
  • Google login icon for Users having associated Google account
  • Filter Users that have associated Google account (Go to User filtering and pick „Can login via Google”)
  • Choose Courses by theirs category in User filtering (In User filtering under course list, there is a „Category view”)
  • Filter Users that are students and were active/inactive in any of picked courses in last x days (Go to User filtering and pick „Last course activity”)
  • Block possibility of assigning Students from „past” column to the current or new groups in CourseAdministration->Users->Students
  • User filtering – if given filter type/condition has the same further choosing options, then their values are preserved
  • User filtering – Add possibility to copy datetime from one filter to another
  • User filtering – Add possibility to edit datetime manually
  • Simplify choosing '1 day’ date in User filtering
  • User filtering – Add „Select all” button to the 'Courses’/’Course categories’ options
  • Salesforce mapping fields form isn’t shown properly
  • Datetime in User filtering is lost when web browser window is moved
  • Email address should not allow non-english characters
  • Push notifications should be triggered only if the „Web Push” setting is enabled in Superadministration
Other changes
  • Add „Go to previous slide” button in slide footer
  • Notifications for Coaches will show internal names of 'Slides’/’Message boxes’ with fallbacks to the default


GrowPoint 3.7.4 (April 2022)

  • Possibility to add video in hero module
  • Updated Custom page mobile view


GrowPoint 3.7.3 (March 2022)

  • Customizable fonts. Now you’re able to set a custom font face on your site as well as choose a different font face for the headlines. You can choose from self-hosted fonts and system fonts (for best performance) or experiment with all fonts available through Google Fonts service.
  • A way to change description in 403 error page – please look at `exception.forbidden.description` translation
  • Pin this slide available also for Students
  • Ability to filter Global Coach Statistics by User/Course
  • Add course `Launch date` and `Notes` fields – those are available from Course Dashboard page
  • Ability to filter Courses by name in Superadmin->Courses list
  • Additional information about Coach’s assigned students in given day in CourseAdministration->Users->Students page
  • Better explanation for Coach Statistics columns
  • Empty or anonymous reviews will get now default `user.anonymous` translation
  • Added Partner logo to course certificate
  • New layout for popups, tables, system messages
  • More prominent `Send` button in Contact us page
  • Fixed sidebar in CourseAdministration/Superadministration
  • Responsive Administration panel
  • SVG conversion to image occasionally throws exception
Other changes
  • Added 3 columns to Global Coach Statistics – id, email, type
    Added 2 columns to Coach Statistics – id, email
    Default reviews score from 5 to 0 – now the Student must choose the number by himself


GrowPoint 3.7.2 (February 2022)

  • Number of Messages in Global Analytics table
  • Number of Interactions in Global Analytics table
  • Superadmin can now send himself a test email of certain Email Template
  • Added parser for images in slide pasted in base64 format
  • Added rel=”nofollow noopener noreferrer” attribute to the automatically generated links in User Messages
  • Reviews stars average number is now more granular
  • Set Course Completion Flag for Students when Administrator changes Course Completion Point
  • Better Partner Links appearance on Partner homepage
  • Sharable slides in Private Courses have now additional information, that sharing functionality is available only for publicly visible courses
  • Refreshed default Course image
  • Ability to send User to certain My Course tab
  • Custom shortcodes as Conversations/Students Info have now separate dropdown menu in Redactor
  • Custom Page link can be removed from list of all pages on right sidebar of custom page view
  • Ability to hide Custom Page in search engines
  • Toggle in table header now toggle all checkboxes
  • Additional confirmation dialog when Administrator assigns new user to running group
  • Better buttons positioning in bottom menu in mobile view
  • Possible XSS in slides when showing User Fields
  • Can’t edit internal urls
  • User inputs are not persisted when User Fields form shows error regarding required fields
  • Possible error when User visits Passport Outcome questionnaire and his Student Role is already archived
  • Possible error popup when Student watched a film on certain slide and quickly went to the next slide
Other changes
  • (mail)email.footer `You’ve received this email because you signed up for „%site_name%”, a place to learn, experience and connect with others.` -> `%current_year% %site_name% – a place to learn, experience and connect with others.`


GrowPoint 3.7.1 (January 2022)

  • Interaction Metric – a new way to measure student’s engagement, counting student’s responses to messages from others
  • Handling long content in Html redactor
  • Added interpretation of 'script’ tag in Passport Question Description


GrowPoint 3.7 (January 2022)

  • Salesforce integration
  • Customizable Header – change background/text color, height for desktop/mobile, Logo height/side spacing for desktop/mobile
  • Google login integration
  • Ability to invite Friends by Students to course group [Action Required – new Email template]. The old „Friends” feature (allowing students to specify friend’s email address to track your course progress) was renamed to „Accountability partner”
  • Ability to upload Logo that works on white background
  • New Email Template with custom intro text
  • Preview of user avatar in profile section
  • Option to add in slides independent html mobile content and desktop content
  • Info about not saved data in superadmin/admin pages when user wants to leave a page unsaved
  • Add Coach search in all pages in MyCourses->SeniorCoach
  • Info for Coaches about certain student notifications in student’s info
  • 25 additional Zoom interface custom translations
  • Add alt attribute to public images
  • Additional timing validation when review is submitted (10 minutes to edit misspells)
  • Information about user „Other courses” in student details now consists also closed courses info
  • New event tracking code – 'Student goes to the next slide’
  • Zoom 'Open in new window’ action is blocked until the Zoom Meeting is fully loaded (this blocks ability to create multiple Zoom connections accidentally)
  • Displaying emails on MS Outlook client
  • Add fadeout to info about slide completion requirements
  • Mark 'last login’ to user that is currently registering to platform
  • Send 'x days of inactivity’ email only if student didn’t complete course
  • ’x days of inactivity’ email is sent with context of the most recent user course
  • Retrying sending emails
  • Logo in email directs to the platform
  • Set focus to the input field in Course Key Popup
  • Course dashboard tiles directs to the related pages or analytics sections
  • „Refresh page” button in 'Slide not found’ error popup directs to the student recent slide
  • Student ask question message is visible for assigned Coaches in certain student slide
  • Group empty months in User calendar
  • Displaying slide background in shared slides
  • Redesigned Zoom Join Now banner – Expose opening Zoom Meeting also in Zoom application (Zoom Web Client works great for quick 1×1 calls, but for more users – let’s say at least 4, the quality of video and overall experience is better in native application)
  • Possible XSS in Superadmin->Settings->Custom code->Course list
  • Possible XSS in Superadmin->Settings->Privacy->Course list
  • Wrong number of 'Courses Started/Completed last 7 days’ in Partner Dashboard when Partner doesn’t have any courses
  • Deleted users are shown on Senior Coach assignment popup
  • Senior Coach matches are kept event if user deletes account
  • Senior Coach can’t delete account
  • Login popup on error page is not displayed properly
  • Can’t search users with 'number of courses’ = 0
  • After saving/editing review there is '_’ symbol added to the url
  • Table layout in Front Page Custom Html module
  • Can’t generate CSV passport report for large set of data
  • Custom verse colors works only if course has custom color for course elements set
  • Slide sidebar in Tablet/Mobile resolutions has to be tapped 2 times to be displayed
  • %course_name% shortcode in Email changes ” sign to a "
  • Coach closed courses in 'My Course->Senior Coach’ are sorted by close date descending (the newest first)
  • [Action Required if you want to update your translations respectively] Current 'Course with Friend’ feature is now 'Course with accountability partner’ which shows better what the feature means and it doesn’t mix with 'Inviting Friends’ feature.
    Here is a list with affected (default) translations:

    • (course) Your friend’s email -> (course) Your accountability partner’s email
    • (course)1-2-3.share.friendform.title Your friend -> (course)1-2-3.share.accountability-partner-form.title Your accountability partner
    • (course) Your friend’s name -> (course) Your accountability partner’s name
    • (course)course.friendform.invite-friend Invite a friend -> (course)course.accountability-partner-form.invite-friend Invite an accountability partner
    • (general)general.user-friend-didnt-respond Your friend didn’t respond to your invitation -> (general)general.user-accountability-partner-didnt-respond Your accountability partner didn’t respond to your invitation
    • (general)general.user-friend-resigned Your friend resigned from receiving your updates -> (general)general.user-accountability-partner-resigned Your accountability partner resigned from receiving your updates
    • (general)general.user-friend-already-set This is a course with a friend – we notify your friend about your progress. You have already defined your friend in profile settings. If you want to change that go to your profile settings. -> (general)general.user-accountability-partner-already-set This is a course with an accountability partner – we notify your accountability partner about your progress. You have already defined your accountability partner in profile settings. If you want to change that go to your profile settings.
    • (general)general.user-friend-joins-you-in-courses This friend joins you in courses: %courses%. -> (general)general.user-accountability-partner-joins-you-in-courses This accountability partner joins you in courses: %courses%.
    • (general)general.friend-thanks-for-joining Thank’s for joining your friend! If you’re interested, have a look at our course selection and pick one yourself! -> (general)general.accountability-partner-thanks-for-joining Thank’s for joining your friend! If you’re interested, have a look at our course selection and pick one yourself!
  • [friend_form] shortcode in slides is changed to [accountability_partner_form]. We have changed this automatically in all slides content.


GrowPoint 3.6 (September 2021)

  • New user role – Partner. Allow Partners to create and manage branded courses and dedicated and customizable Partner’s homepage
  • Course Passports – measure key performance metrics and impact of courses all in one place
  • Course Invitations – Partner can invite other Users to cooperate on given course as Coach/Senior Coach/Administrator/Coordinator
  • Course ownership
  • Sitemap in robots.txt file
  • Refreshed Course list in Superadministration
  • Page speed
  • Email validation when adding new Coach
  • Offline page
  • robots.txt regarding Ads
  • Title tag in course view
  • Anchor support in redirections after authentication errors
  • Catching pdf generation errors
  • Redactor in Front Page Custom Html module
  • Custom urls validation
  • Course tile empty state
  • Re-Login with Facebook
  • Not supported %current_year% variable in Contact Us/Congratulations to Friend email templates
  • Custom Sidebar Visibility settings when creating new slide
  • User Fields ordering
  • Visibility of slides that doesn’t support Friend mode in „Send email to student’s friend”
  • Vulnerability in course (colors) import function
  • Calculating Coach flag when Coach and Students last activity dates are identical
  • Redirections after authentication error
  • Visibility of hidden Course Library Categories on Front Page
  • Unskippable User Number Field in enrollment forms
  • Quotes encoding in Contact Us emails
  • Self Hosted fonts adjustments after last changes in Google Fonts
  • Until now platform had default course category „All courses” with only public courses. Now all courses will be in the default category
  • Default 'user.password-reset.request.button’ translation from „Send me a new password” to „Reset password”


GrowPoint 3.5.1 (March 2021)

  • Toggle password visibility in login/registration form
  • Error when visiting incorrect URL of shared slides
  • Error when using reset password link that expired
  • Error when visiting an archived course – Removed archived course link from search engines
  • Default SEO title and meta description values
  • Course export issues
  • Google Search Console connectivity, when hitting a lot of requests
  • Ability to add empty User Field in Course Settings
  • Duplicated divider in registration form popup when the list of consents is empty


GrowPoint 3.5.0 (February 2021)

  • Video calls – integration with Zoom
  • SEO – Integration with Google Search Console
  • SEO – Use Open Graph protocol
  • SEO – Describe page content for the Google Search Engine more precisely by implementing Structured Data
  • SEO – add Title, Meta Description
  • Email misspells suggestions
  • Extended Email verification
  • Image of course in coach courses view
  • Image of course in Course Dashboard
  • Ability to change quote/info/verse colors
  • Ability to remove a review
  • XSS vulnerability


GrowPoint 3.4.3 (January 2021)

  • Option to disable „Print out your data”, „Manage privacy settings”, „Delete your account” in user profile and add instead an explanation
  • SEO – add sitemap.xml
  • SEO – GrowPoint will remember old urls and redirect to new ones
  • response time
  • iOS responsive layout
  • Logo scaling in email template


GrowPoint 3.4.1 (October 2020)

  • Block possibility to set slide as own parent
  • Sanitize uploaded SVG files
  • Search in Course->Users->Coaches
  • Additional „%review%” variable in 'Student submitted a review – to Coordinator’ and 'Student edited a review – to Coordinator’ email templates. It will paste the review into the email template.
  • Shared slides are now not indexed by robots (sometimes the search engine kept not actual share link)
  • Additional description for social login available
  • Additional info about the need for sending a message under the messageBox in slides
  • Not visible categories are not indexed by robots
  • Possibility to autoplay 'How it works’ and 'User testimonials’ modules
  • Validation of dates when extending course end date
  • General email delivery
  • Slide’s 'limit access’ settings – protection when students are currently on the edited slide
  • Links in course category were broken when contained a space in urls


GrowPoint 3.4 (July 2020)

  • New, modular Front Page. Add testimonials and FAQ, customize modules and layout to your needs.
  • Personalization – welcome your users with personalized message.
  • GrowPoint App – new mobile experience with Progressive Web App technology (Add application to home screen) and new mobile navigation.
  • Push notifications – enable push notifications on your device and be notified about new messages.
  • Notification center – click the notification bell in the top-right corner and see all your notifications in one place for quick and easy access.
  • Course reviews – give your users a voice with public course reviews and stars.
  • Check the “Remember me” option while logging-in to prevent being automatically logged out after 24 hours.
  • Global Coach statistics – see how the coaches perform across all your courses.
  • New cookies management – greater control on cookies used.
  • New course page design
    • Top navigation bar doesn’t change between the front page and course page.
    • New sidebar with My Student/My group/My Coach and Course navigation.
    • New course toolbox next to the slide (available actions depend on the context: Pin slide, Share slide, Ask question, Course administration, Notes, Remove students, Extend the course).
    • Notification circles in the course navigation menu – glowing circles next to the slides that contain new messages.
    • Additional progress bar in mobile view to visualize the progress in course.
    • New notification center will always prioritize messages from the course you’re currently in.
    • More options for colors – change the sidebar color or gradient and set the sidebar transparency over the background graphics.
  • New course home page design
  • New welcome page design
  • Notification about not sent message when User is going to another slide.
  • Added possibility to show information about platform scheduled maintenance.
  • Optional “Additional Coach resources” link in MyCourses->Coach.
  • Pictures uploaded to Front Page and Course Home Pages are automatically converted to optimal sizes.
  • Since GrowPoint 3.4 you’ll be able to add all new translations before the update.
  • Student activity is now logged not only when the user sends a message but also when opening course and going to the next slide.
  • Auto-generated avatars now interpret cyrylica characters.
  • Option to send „Course expiration alert” only to students that didn’t complete the course.
  • More precise „student’s time in course” measurement in the calendar.
  • On the “Users” administration page new filter available: Login via Facebook.
  • More details about the course are now available to present on the course home page (number of conversations, videos, slides).
  • Variable `%current_year%` available in email templates and email footer translation (email.footer).
  • Mobile navigation on Superadmin and Course admin panels.
  • Global event tracking codes for events like Course Enrollment and Completion now can use variable ‘%course_name%’ to easily add 3rd party event tracking to all your courses.
  • Added “My last message” column in MyCourses->Coach.
  • Custom sidebar messages in Communication Course now available as HTML code.
  • Clearer login form when using “Log in with facebook” next to email login.
  • Sort conversations in the archives with time of the first message in the given conversation.
  • Option to start counting flags time after coach assignment.
  • Option to set the number of days to raise a flag.
  • Option to disable Congratulation email to students (useful in series of training courses).
  • All first-party cookies are served only with a 'secure’ flag.
  • Private Courses are not visible in search engines.
  • We’ve updated some of the default text – review the changes here
  • Other improvements and optimizations.
  • On “Users” administration page search is now available on mobile.
  • Course admin will now see a default slide in Communication Course instead of spinning wheel.
  • Tablet navigation on Superadmin and Course admin panels.
  • In the “Show conversation” dialog box the admin will see all conversations with the student, even those that the student doesn’t yet have access to (because of progress in the course).
  • SVG logos in emails.
  • Activity displayed on the calendar.
  • Coach can now set a 1 day vacation.
  • Fixes on admin views of big groups in student’s assignment on mobile.
  • User avatars in course archives.


GrowPoint 3.3.1

  • option to allow sending notification emails to the users that didn’t confirm their email address
  • links in messages will be automatically recognized and formatted
  • ’scroll to top’ button in course view
  • conversation view
  • Course Admin dashboard information about coach’s red flag links directly to these Coaches
  • the number of Students assigned to the Coach (during matching) is now automatically refreshed and always accurate
  • duplication of Coach names in Senior Coach panel
  • missing 2 translations in conversations view
  • setting 'Custom completion point’ in course settings wasn’t always showing all slides


GrowPoint 3.3

  • new look for messaging
  • GrowPoint welcomes emojis ?
  • set a custom color for a course
  • use SVG files for system logos
  • use color picker instead of HEX values
  • better placement of approval buttons in the course page
  • better management of coaches on the Senior Coach tab
  • new operators/conditions for users filtering
  • a lot of smaller things here and there
  • changing the order of slides in Courses
  • RTL template for email preview page


GrowPoint 3.2.1

  • course navigation – students can now move to the first unopened slide with clicking it’s name in the navigation (not only the „Next” button on the bottom of the slide)
  • coach is notified about the messages that were sent before he has joined the group


GrowPoint 3.2

  • advanced users filtering and export (superadmin -> users)
  • „Ask question” button available for the courses without coach (course admin -> settings -> other )
  • new user field type – checkboxes
  • coordinator can view and delete comments in „Watch” slide in 1-2-3 course
  • add tables to your slides
  • show student info to the Coach on any slide using [students_info] shortcode
  • your messages can now have new lines
  • sending messages is now more robust
  • coach green/red light switch
  • default user avatars
  • default sorting of coaches on number of students assigned
  • quick preview of coach’s conversations in the assignment panel
  • information on the date of last assignment
  • method of counting active students in communication courses


GrowPoint 3.1

  • Facebook Login. Go to Settings -> Integrations -> Enable Facebook app (learn more about enabling facebook login here)
  • Registration to platform without course enrollment now possible
  • One place to manage all custom code. Go to Settings -> Custom code
  • Option to show privacy consents as statements instead of checkboxes. Go to Settings -> Privacy
  • Ability to repeat email and password fields on the registration form. Go to Settings -> General
  • overall performance
  • issues with student details mobile view


GrowPoint 3.0

  • refreshed design
  • faster engine
  • 1 step registration option
  • support for right-to-left layout
  • better email notification management
  • front page slider with promoted courses
  • new „My courses” layout
  • documentation
  • 1-2-3 courses
  • new course layout
  • course types: Standard, 1-2-3, Communication
  • course interactions options: Coach, Friend, Group
  • simplified slide types: content slide, survey slide
  • quick course selector
  • flexibility in matching students and coaches
  • „quick start” option – start now, get coach later
  • course key for secured course access
  • more questions on one slide
  • coach approval required slide option
  • coordinator approval required slide option
  • ability to choose which slide will count the completion of the course (not necessarily the last one)
  • more course certificate options
Course categories
  • new „all courses” category as a default
  • ordering courses in every category
  • hidden categories accessible with URL
  • „All conversations” panel – read your conversation with student all in one place
  • add notes on students
  • add students nicknames
  • preview course when no students are assigned
  • senior coach role for reviewing coaches work
  • better notification management
  • daily report
  • add message excerpt to the new message notification
  • Measurement
  • new course analytics
  • new global analytics
  • add third-party tracking code for registration, enrollment and course completion
  • course passport – new surveying and effectiveness evaluation system
  • new organisation of Superadmin and Course admin menu
  • redesigned Admin dashboard
  • more course administrators and coordinators in one course
  • easier course management (ordering, promoting)
  • archiving courses
  • removing coach role
  • adding users
  • ability to preview running course groups
  • plus a lot of small changes and improvements here and there:)