User roles

There are 6 different user roles available in GrowPoint:

  • Superadmin
  • Course Administrator
  • Course Coordinator
  • Coach
  • Senior Coach
  • Student

Most of the roles are ‘course specific’ – roles that a user has in the context of specific courses, which means that he can have different roles in different courses (e.g. Student in course ‘A’, Coach in course ‘B,’ and Course Administrator in course ‘C’). It’s different from the Superadmin role, which is a system-wide role and can’t be shared with the role of Student, Coach or Senior Coach. See roles definitions below:


System-wide role that enables a user to manage GrowPoint. It grants you access to the Superadmin menu, from where you can access all platform’s configuration options. As Superadmin you also get Course Administrator and Course Coordinator access rights. This role can’t be shared with the role of Student, Coach and Senior Coach. However it can be shared with the role of Course Administrator and Course Coordinator. Only a Superadmin can create new Superadmin users.

The role of Superadmin is to create new Courses, assign Course Administrators and Coordinators, configure platform settings and look, create pages, adjust email templates, the language, etc…

Course Administrator

Course specific role that enables a user to manage a Course. It grants access to the Course Administrator menu, from which you can manage Course configuration options. This role can’t be shared with the role of Student, Coach or Senior Coach for the same course. However it can be shared with the Course Coordinator and Superadmin role.
Course Administrator is either chosen by the Superadmin when he creates the course or can be added later. Course Administrator needs to be an existing user of the platform. Superadmin can add more Course Administrators to the same course.

The role of Course Administrator is to build the course content and configure course settings. He can also manage people but this is a role dedicated more to the Course Coordinator.

Course Coordinator

Course specific role that enables users to manage people in Course. It grants limited access to the Course Administrator menu. This role can’t be shared with the role of Student, Coach and Senior Coach for the same course. However it can be shared with the Course Administrator and Superadmin role.

The Course Coordinator is chosen by the Superadmin either when he creates the course or later. Course Coordinator needs to be an existing user of the platform. Superadmin can add more Course Coordinators to the same course.

The role of Course Coordinator is to manage people in the course (e.g. assign students to coach or to a group, react if the coach doesn’t reply to a student etc…). It’s an ongoing responsibility.


Course-specific role that enables users to be assigned as a Coach to the Student. Coach has access to the ‘Coach’ tab, where he can see all students assigned and perform some actions on them. For the same course it can be shared only with the Senior Coach role.

Coach role for a specific Course can be given to an existing platform user by the Course Administrator or Course Coordinator.

The role of the Coach is to quickly respond to students’ messages and help them to make the most of their course.

Senior coach

Course-specific role that enables a user to have a read-only access to other coaches’ courses. Course Coordinator matches Coaches to a Senior Coach. The Senior Coach has access to the ‘Senior Coach’ tab, where he can see all students assigned to his matched coaches.

Senior Coach role for a specific Course can be given to an existing platform user by Course Administrator or Course Coordinator.

The role of Senior Coach is to review conversations of matched Coaches.


Course-specific role that enables a user to take a Course. Student has access to the ‘Started’ tab where he can see all active courses.

Student role is applied if the user enrolls in Course and is limited in time by course duration.