
Content menu is divided into three sections:

  • Course – content of your course
  • Home page – describes the course and invites to enroll
  • Welcome page – displayed to students that are waiting for assignment and approval


All your actual course content is divided and organised in slides. Slides are containers to accommodate your content and help you to define the structure of your course. Students will open new slides one-by-one in a linear way following the order you’ve created (similar to Powerpoint presentation).

Course structure will follow the methodology you decide to use. Some courses are very simple with just a few slides. Others could be very complicated with hundreds of slides, chapters, subchapters, sub sub chapters etc. This flexibility is possible because of the basic parent-child concept applied. Here are a few things to know about it:

  • Every slide can have child-slides.
  • When a slide has child-slides it becomes a parent-slide.
  • Nesting is assigning slides to parent-slide
  • There are no limits in nesting

Every course comes with a “First slide” which is parent to all other slides and can’t be removed – edit it to suit your needs.

Example 1: simple course structure:

First slide: Welcome to our course

  • chapter 1
  • chapter 2
  • chapter 3
  • Congratulations!

Example 2: more complex course structure:

First slide: Welcome to our course

  • chapter 1
    • subchapter 1.1
    • subchapter 1.2
  • chapter 2
  • chapter 3
    • subchapter 3.1
      • sub sub chapter 3.1.1
        • sub sub subchapter
    • subchapter 3.2
  • Congratulations!

Choosing course type directly affects your options on the Course tab.

  • Standard course – you get full freedom for your course structure
  • 1-2-3 course – fixed course structure based on “days”. You can only increase or decrease the number of “days” and add standard slides at the beginning and at the end of course.
  • Communication course – there is no slides at all

There are three types of slides:

  • slide – main building block of your courses where You place your content and questions
  • survey – survey slide that uses the questions set in the Passport -> Outcomes
  • review – give your students a voice. Add a review slide where they can add public review and rank the course.

When creating a new slide you need to:

  • specify the slide title
  • decide which existing slide will be the parent-slide
  • add slide content
  • set other settings (optional)

Adding slide content

Add content using standard HTML editor.


Write or paste your text into the editor. Use the “Format” menu to style your text for Headings, quotes, infos or verses presets. Use “available user fields” to personalise your slide’s content with the student’s name etc.

If you need to make some more advanced formatting, switch to the HTML code view and do your edits in HTML.


Easily add graphics by dragging them from your file explorer and dropping into the editor. Files will be automatically uploaded to GrowPoint server and added to your slide.


Adding videos is as simple as placing a YouTube URL in the editor.

Other more advanced options are available in the “Video” dialog box. You can add:

When using the “Video” dialog box you can require a user to watch the whole video before continuing to the next slide.

Students info

This will inject Student’s details to any slide – visible only to coaches.

More settings

Customize the functionalities and the look or your slide.


There are two ways to add a conversation box to your slides:

  1. Standard: choose “More options -> Conversation: enable conversation” to add a conversation box on the bottom of the slide
  2. Shortcode: choose “Conversation” in the HTML editor to add conversation shortcode inside the content. Specify “Conversation title” and “Conversation id”.

You may decide if the answer in the conversation is required.


Customize the background for the slide. Choose a color or upload an image. If no background is defined the slide will inherit this feature from its parent-slide.
Enable custom sidebar visibility – You can adjust the course sidebar visibility i.e. to better expose your background image**

Limit access

You can limit an access to the slide based on different conditions:

Delay – choose the number of days this slide will be accessible. Days can be counted from “Previous slide” or “Course start”. A countdown timer will be displayed to the student. a 1 day delay means twelve hours of waiting. (example: One chapter a day)

Approval – student can’t continue to the next slide until this slide is approved. Approval may be done by the Coach or Course Coordinator. They will be notified by email when their approval is needed. (example: Coach needs to review the answer before the student can continue)

Coach only – limit access only to the Coach role (example: adding slides with additional content just for coaches)


Allow slide sharing – makes the slide “sharable”. A special link is generated that allows guests to see the slide content without registration. Students can click the “share” icon and share the link to the slide with their friends on Facebook or by email.

Make children of this slide optional – you may change the default course progress path. When students click “Next” they will skip child-slides of this slide. These child-slides can be accessed only from the navigation menu (titles displayed in italic) or with a link (add a link to this optional slide in the content of the obligatory slide). This could be useful if you want to add some not obligatory content and leave it as an option.

Automatically jump to the next slide – sometimes you want to use slides only as containers for child-slides. You don’t want to put any content inside, they are just empty parent-slides to organise child slides. By enabling this option this slide will be skipped and students will move automatically to the next slide (could be child-slide).

Home page

Every course has a Home page. This is a page you want to promote when doing course promotional campaigns. On that page people learn about the course and enroll in it. Main course URL is the link to the course Home page.

Show home page image – upload an image that will be used on the top of the course home page. Otherwise, it will be filled with your default platform color.

Short invitation to course – short description that will be displayed on the Home page’s right bar and on the front page on the course tile (if set as a public course).

Course description – main area for describing the course. Use graphics, videos, testimonials etc…

Course duration (days) – tell users how long it will take to complete the course (optional). It’s just information for the visitors, not connected with Course duration set in the course settings.

Details – add some short facts like ‘for free’, ‘video’, ‘inspiring discussions’ etc… (optional)

Enable Facebook sharing on the course home page – this will add a facebook share button to the course home page.

Welcome page

Some courses require the users that enrolled to wait for the course to start. This is because of the time needed for a manual course group assignment, finding the best coach or forming a group. During that time you don’t want to leave people unengaged. You may use the Welcome page to help them prepare for a course, serve some interesting content, introductory videos etc…

Header – explain what’s happening (example: We’re looking for the right coach for you)

What to do now – add some additional content they can engage with