
Manage course Students, Coaches and Senior Coaches from here. This would be mostly the role of Course Coordinator.


To understand the assignment process you first need to understand the concept of Course Groups.


Course Group is like a cohort that you take the course with. There is no way to take any course in GrowPoint without being in the Course Group. If somebody starts a course it means he’s a member of the Course Group in that course.

Course Groups can vary. If you don’t add any social interaction (coach or group) to your course then you still have a Course Group but with just one person – the student.

Course Groups can be assigned automatically (this happens in individual courses and courses with coach and quick-start option enabled) or manually. When it is automatic, the student starts the course immediately, if it is manual the student needs to wait for the assignment. During that time he is presented with a “Welcome page”.


The Course Group is not the same as Course with Group.

  1. Columns and filtering

Students page has two columns – Students and Course Groups. There is a third column “Assign Coach” that shows up when you want to assign a coach to a Course Group. On the top of that column you see categories that are currently applied to the view.

Students column categories:

  • Waiting to start – students enrolled in course but who need manual assignment to a course group or their course group still didn’t started (needs approval)
  • Running – students who have started the course
  • Past – students that are no longer active – their courses have expired

Course Groups column categories:

  • Waiting to start – Course group needs approval to start from the Course Coordinator
  • Running without coach – Course group is running but still needs a Coach assignment (only for courses with “Quick start” option enabled)
  • Running – Course group is active

Assign Coach column categories:

  • Green light – Coaches that indicated that they are ready to be assigned to new students
  • Red light – Coaches that indicated that they are not ready at this time to be assigned to new students
  • All – all Coaches of that Course

Each column can be sorted and filtered. Superadmin can add new sorting and filtering fields in User fields settings.

  1. Informations about users

Click on the Student’s name to see:

Student details:

  • User fields assigned to that course
  • Registration date
  • Enrollment date
  • Course start date (visible after course start)
  • Last activity date (login)
  • Course expiration date (visible after course start)
  • Course progress (visible after course start)
  • Other student’s courses

Actions on student:

  • Show conversations (visible after course start)
  • Remove from this course
  • Promote student to be a Coach
  • Impersonate
  1. Assigning Student to a Course Group and starting the Course

Choose student(s) that you want to assign (using checkbox) and click “Create Course Group”. Now chosen student(s) is assigned but the Course Group is still waiting to start. You can add a Coach or other Students now. When you assign all needed people to the Course Group just “start” it.

In the moment of “start” GrowPoint sends email notifications to all Course Group members to inform them about course start.

To add Student to an existing Course Group, choose the student you want to assign and click the assign icon next to the chosen Course Group.

  1. Assigning Coach to a Course Group

Click the “plus” icon in Course Group to add a Coach. “Assign Coach” column with all its sorting and filtering options will be displayed.

The list of Coaches provides you an additional information on Coaches activity with Status icons:

  • Green flag – coach has answered all students and no student has been waiting for an answer more than the number of days set for the yellow flag (in Superadmin->Settings->Coaches)
  • Yellow flag – coach didn’t answer to at least one of his students for the number of days set for the yellow flag ( in ‘Superadmin->Settings->Coaches)
  • Red flag – coach didn’t answer at least one of his students for the number of days set for the red flag (in ‘Superadmin->Settings->Coaches)
  • Number of students assigned (in all courses he’s coaching)
  • Number of messages received from students in last three days (in all courses he’s coaching)
  • Date of the last activity (login)
  • Date of the last assignment (for all of the courses)

Additionally, click on Coach Name to see his details and read the conversations with each assigned student.

  1. Flexibility

Assignment panel is flexible and allows you to make assignments that are overwriting your default course settings. This means that you can add more students to the course group even if the course wasn’t configured as a course with a group. If needed you may also add more than one Coach to the course-group.


Add and manage your course Coaches.


Add new coach – put an existing GrowPoint user email address to add it as a new Coach. If the user was already a student in that course he will be removed from his course group and the course will be moved to his “Past” courses. You’ll be not allowed to add a user that is Course Coordinator, Course Administrator or Superadmin.

Coach statistics – generate a report on Coach individual performance.

Filters – you may add filters using the User Fields system. Every “dropdown selection” or “radio button” field can be a filter.

Options – sorting and display options. Add sorting option using User Fields system. Every “dropdown selection” or “radio button” field can be a sorting option.

Action “Assign to Senior Coach” – assign Coach to Senior Coach. Choose Senior Coach and optional due date.

Action “Remove Coach role” – this will remove users from Coaches list. He will be removed from all his course groups. Course groups will not be closed and can continue.

Status icons

  • Green flag – coach has answered all students and no student has been waiting for an answer more than the number of days set for the yellow flag (in Superadmin->Settings->Coaches)
  • Yellow flag – coach didn’t answer to at least one of his students for the number of days set for the yellow flag ( in ‘Superadmin->Settings->Coaches)
  • Red flag – coach didn’t answer at least one of his students for the number of days set for the red flag (in ‘Superadmin->Settings->Coaches)
  • Number of students assigned (in all courses he’s coaching)
  • Number of messages received from students in last three days (in all courses the Coach is coaching)
  • Date of last activity (login)

Coach details – click on Coach name to see Coach details.

  • Personal information – user fields filled by coach
  • System information and actions – some system informations about registration
  • Students assigned – list all students assigned in that course. Allows showing of the conversations.
  • Coaching – all courses that the user is coaching in, with optional information on current and past Senior Coach assignments with reviews
Senior Coaches

Add and manage your course Senior Coaches. Senior Coach is a user that has read-only access to assigned coaches course groups.
Course Coordinator can assign Senior Coaches to help him to review ongoing messages and Coach work. Every Senior Coach can write a review on assigned Coach work. This review will be stored in Coach details and visible to Course Administrators and Coordinators.

The Course Coordinator can decide to limit the Senior Coach assignment in time. If so, “due date” will be displayed to the Senior Coach and remind him to write the review. When the review will be added the Senior Coach assignment will automatically end.

This panel works the same way as the Coaches panel, the only difference is the information displayed.