
All courses

Lists all courses and describes their type and status. Some actions that Superadmin can take on Courses:


Go to Course Administrator menu – by clicking on the Course name
Preview – go to the course page in preview mode (see the content of the course).

Admin users – add or remove Course Administrators and Course Coordinators. When adding, specify an email address of an existing platform’s user. When you promote an active Student/Coach to a Course Administrator/Coordinator role then his Student/Coach role is stopped.

Export course – export course content, structure and settings to a single XML file. This can later be used to import as a starting point when creating a new course. XML file doesn’t contain images. If you import a course to the same platform images will be displayed correctly. If you plan to copy a course to a different platform (different domain) images will need to be moved manually.

Archive course – removes the course from the list of courses and disables the course for students. It is to be used only for courses that are no longer in use or need to be shut down. For active students the course will still be showing on their “started courses” tab, but with a label “Disabled” as long as the Course does not expire. It’s possible to ‘reactivate’ the course from the “archived courses” menu, which will re-enable the un-expired courses for students.

Create course

Only Superadmin can create new courses by filling the “Create course” form. It doesn’t mean that he has to build the structure, add content, configure it and manage people on a daily basis. He needs to delegate this to Course Administrator and Course Coordinator.

Initially, the Course is created as “Hidden” – not published on the front page. That way there is time to prepare the course for launching.

– Name for the Course

Course home page url – url extension that you would like to use for a Course. Use english characters only and no spaces. This URL will link to the Course Home Page. This is the page that you most likely want to promote when promoting a Course.

Goal – a description of what you want to achieve with your Course. It doesn’t have any logical implications in the platform but helps to focus your efforts.

Audience – define your target group and keep that in mind when building a course. It doesn’t have any logical implications for the platform but helps to focus your efforts.

Course type – choose your Course Type. This setting can’t be changed later.

Social interaction – choose the default Social Interaction Type for your Course. This setting can be changed later by the Course Administrator.

Tags – add from the list of existing course tags or create new ones. Tags help to filter courses in Analytics, they are not visible to students and coaches.

Course Administrator email – put in an email address of an existing platform user that will be promoted to Course Administrator istrator role and decide if you want to automatically notify him.

Course Coordinator email – put in an email address of an existing platform user that will be promoted to Course Coordinator role and decide if you want to automatically notify him.

Import course from file (optional) – if you have an XML file generated by GrowPoint’s Export-Course function, upload that file here. The new course you create will load the content and settings from the XML file. Keep in mind that an XML file doesn’t contain images. If you create the course on the same platform – images will be displayed correctly. If you create a course on a different platform (different domain) than the XML file originates from, images will need to be added manually.

Course categories

Course categories are groups of courses that can be presented as Tabs on the Front Page. Every course can belong to more than one category. You can add new categories, change their name and visibility on the front page.When you edit a category you can also change the order of courses displayed.

The default “All courses” category is available and cannot be removed. All ‘Visible’ courses will land in the “All courses” category. If you want you can hide that category.

Category pages – every category can have its own page that lists courses that belong to the category. To set it up just add a URL in the category setup.

Hidden categories are not displayed on the front page but are still available through category page URL. It allows a user to share a link that presents a selected group of courses.

Archived courses

Lists all courses that were archived. You can preview these courses and go to the Course Administration panel.

You can reactivate archived courses. All Course Groups that didn’t expire will regain their access to the Course.

Archiving courses will not remove them from Student and Coach’s archives.