
  • General
  • Visual
  • Language
  • Menus
  • E-mail templates
  • Coaches
  • Custom code
  • Passport fields
  • Integrations
  • Privacy

Manage all necessary information about your site.

Site name – name of your website that will be used in several parts of the interface and in the email templates

Site language – information for the browsers. Please use the ISO 639-1 format (“en” for english)

Site Time Zone – Setting this will let us schedule some heavier computation tasks on your platform to happen at night

Contact email – email address of platform representative to which all ‘contact us’ forms will be sent

Email author name – name for the system email’s sender

Font system – decide how do you want to serve fonts:

  • (external) Google Fonts,
  • Self-hosted prepared fonts will be loaded locally by GrowPoint, not from Google cdn
  • No custom fonts

Right-to-left layout – enable right-to-left layout for students and coaches. Feature for RTL languages.

Enable Progressive Web App – allow every logged-in user to add your platform to their home screen

Enable Push Notifications – let your users to be notified about new messages also with push notifications

Require email confirmation – don’t allow users to login until they confirm their email, by clicking a link in sent confirmation email

Don’t require email confirmation during registration – users can login and use the website but will be prompted to confirm their email. Email communication will not be possible until their email address is confirmed.

Block not confirmed account after 7 days – force users to confirm their email address. When the account is blocked the only possible action is to resend confirmation email. After confirming the email address the account is unlocked.

Remove not confirmed account after 14 days – remove user account from the system.

Registration form:

  • Repeat email field – require filling email 2 times – it should reduce user mistakes
  • Repeat password field -require filling password 2 times – it should reduce user mistakes|

Adjust the look and feel of your site.


Main logo – upload site logo (height: 50px). Preferred type is SVG file.

Small logo – upload site logo for small devices (height: 50px, width: 50px). Preferred type is SVG file.

Add space around the logo – this will add 13px space around the logo

Favicon – upload site favicon (displayed by browser)

Progressive Web App logo – upload site Progressive Web App Logo (square image at least 512×512 pixels), this will be used for PWA app icon and PWA splash screen.


Leading color – choose leading color for buttons, links and other graphical elements.

Default overlay color – choose leading color for images overlay (used mostly on front page and course home page).

Course navigation color #1 – choose default course sidebar gradient color #1.

Course navigation color #2 – choose default course sidebar gradient color #2.


Front page image – upload the image that will be displayed on the top of the front page. Suggested width for that image is not less than 1920px.

Default share image – upload default sharing thumbnail for facebook. It will be used in case there is no usable graphic on the shared slide.



Footer text – add additional footer text or graphics. Useful for additional logos and information. Black font will be automatically converted to white.


PDF export:

123 course PDF export Header – add additional text on 123 course pdf first page under the main image.

123 course PDF export Footer – add additional text on 123 course pdf last page.


Front Page:

Customize your front page. The Front Page system is modular, which means you can add different modules and set their order. You are free to use modules more than one time.



Hero module is usually placed at the top of the front page and is divided into two sections.

Welcome section – by default it gets texts from the translations. You can Use personalization to show different texts to users depending on their individual context.


Available custom texts:

Headline when not logged in – General headline used when user is not logged in.

Headline when logged in and has an active course – Personalized headline used when a user is logged in and has an active course.

Headline when logged in and doesn’t have an active course – Personalized headline used when a user is logged in and doesn’t have an active course.

Headline when logged in as a coach and has an active group – Personalized headline used when user is logged in and has coach role with active group

Description when not logged in – General description used when user is not logged in.

Description when logged in and has an active course – Personalized description used when a user is logged in and has an active course.

Description when logged in and doesn’t have an active course – Personalized description used when user is logged in and doesn’t have an active course.

Description when logged in as a coach with an active group – Personalized description used when a user is logged in and has a coach role with an active group.

Primary Call-to-Action when not logged in -> Register to platform – Button label used when user is not logged in.

Primary Call-to-Action when logged in and has an active course -> Continue course – Button label used when user is logged in and has an active course.

Primary call-to-action when logged as coach -> My courses panel – Button label used when a user is logged in and is a coach with an active group.

Secondary Call-to-Action -> Browse courses – Label for the course library link.


Additional options:

Show „Headline when not logged in” to the logged in users that didn’t provide their name

Show „Description when not logged in” to the logged in users that didn’t provide their name


Course/Image section – You can choose if you want to show a custom image or set recommended course.

The Custom image has a fallback to Front page image. The Recommended course section has fallback in the order: Course image, Default course image. If the course shouldn’t be visible on the front page, then the Recommended course section falls back to the Front page image.
Image overlay has an effect on the whole Course/Image section.


How it works?

The How it works module is a place where you can easily inform users how your platform works and what they can expect. You can add as many Items as you want.

Headline – basically the prominent title, like ‘How it works?’

Description – additional text ,maybe some general info about your organization?

Background image – as it stands..

Overlay – If you don’t have specially prepared as background image for text, than the overlay can improve items text visibility

Autoplay slider – make your items automatically slide. This option requires at least 2 items

Item – An item is built from the Title, Description and Icon identifier. It is a written information about your platform. You can choose an icon from – just copy the identifier of an icon, i.e. ‘id-badge’ or 'area-chart’. GrowPoint automatically will show the expected icon in the item. The module should consist of at least 3 items, otherwise they can be duplicated.

Featured courses

Featured courses module is a container to where you can highlight some of your courses and display them in a selected layout.

Available layouts:

Wide rows – one course per row. Includes course image, title, description, star rank and number of students, review carousel.
Cards – three courses per row. Includes course image, title, description, star rank and number of students.
Two columns – two courses per row. Includes course image, title, description and star rank and number of students.
Narrow rows – one course per row. Includes course image, title, description, star rank and number of students.


User testimonials

User testimonials module is a carousel of testimonials hand picked from your respondents. Each testimonial is made of Author and Testimonial text. Each User testimonial module should consist of at least 3 items, otherwise they can be duplicated.

Autoplay slider – make your items automatically slide. This option requires at least 2 items

Course library

The Course library module is a container for all visible course categories. Each individual course category can be displayed in a selected Layout.

Custom Html

Custom Html module can consist of your own code. Full width lets you decide if you want to utilize the whole width of the page. Please use it with caution.



Control the language of your site’s interface. Manage all buttons, descriptions, links etc… All “static texts” are divided into few categories:

General – front page, my courses and other pages
Course – course page
Users – registration process and user profile
Email – common email templates elements
Exceptions – all system warning messages
System URLs – system paths used in your domain (change with caution)

“Language” is a go-to place if you want to translate the site into your language. On default the platform comes in english but you can perform translation of the interface by editing every “static text” to your language.

Language settings will affect the front-end – the part visible to Students and Coaches. All administration menus will always be displayed in english.


Manage footer menus displayed on the frontpage and other pages.

Footer menu has three columns, all of which can be filled with links. Drag and drop links to set their order in columns. Links can lead to an external site or one of internal locations in GrowPoint.

Link Type – choose URL or internal.

Display – link can be displayed to everyone, logged in or not logged in users.

Open email template to edit it. You can use basic html tags like <b>, <em>, <hr> to format your message. You can preview your template by saving and then clicking “Preview”.

Make sure that your email template communicates all necessary information. You can always revert your modifications back to the original version.

Each email template shows you what variables are available. Variable is a placeholder that will replace itself with a value associated with a real user (e.g. %student_name% will be replaced with the name of student). There are two types of variables
system fields – delivered automatically, they will always have a value
custom user fields – created by Superadmin, use with caution – they may not always have a value – it depends on the course configuration and the user

When the variable doesn’t have a value then it displays nothing.


Manage settings specific to Coaches and Senior Coaches

Show flags to Coaches – allow coaches to see their activity flags on “My Courses” page

Start counting flag time after coach assignment – Decide when you want to start counting flags time. From the students perspective it seems better to count flags from the start of a course (default setting), because the coach will see the warning based on student’s activity. From the other side, you may want to start counting time after coach assignment i.e. to give coaches better chances to keep green flags.

Number of days to raise the yellow flag -Yellow flag is raised when a student is waiting more than X days for coach response. By default it is 2 days.

Number of days to raise the red flag – Red flag is raised when a student is waiting more than X days for coach response. By default it is 4 days.

Hide Coach last name – shorten coach’s last name to the first letter. Course Administrator and Course Coordinator see the full name, Students see the short version (John Smith -> John S.)

Enable Coach vacation option – add “vacation” option to Coach’s profiles. Enables Coaches to plan some time off and inform Course Coordinator about it.

Enable Senior Coaches – enable “Senior Coach” role functionality. The assignment of Senior Coaches is done in the Course Administration.

Access active groups – give Senior Coaches access to the active course-groups
Access closed groups – give Senior Coaches access to the course archives

Show link to additional Coach resources – you can show to your coaches in “My courses->Coach” tab a link with description (i.e. special knowledge resources hosted externally)

Custom code

Custom code is divided into 2 sections:
Additional HTML
Global event tracking

Each section is divided on code, that needs cookie consent and code, that doesn’t need cookie consent.
Code that needs cookie consent will be shown only if the user agrees with cookie policy.

Additional HTML allows you to add standard tracking codes and scripts in three places of every HTML file:
after opening <head> tag
after opening <body> tag
before closing </body> tag
Additional HTML will not be added to the administrative sites.
Check the available documentation from your 3rd party services what is the best place to place their code snippet.

Global event tracking could be used to integrate event tracking from 3rd party services (like google analytics). This allows you to count specific events like course enrollments in Google Analytics. After user specific activity (like Platform registration, Course enrollment, Course started, Course halfway completed, Course completed, Student role end) the corresponding custom code will be added to the following page before the closing </body> tag for the user that triggered that activity.
When setting your event tracking code you can also use a variable with the course name. This will pass to the 3rd party service information on the context of the event.

Passport fields

Every Course can have a Passport. Passport is a powerful measuring tool for the Course Administrator, an overview of Course influence, a go-to place if you want to know what the course outputs, outcomes and impact are.

The information is collected from:

  • course analytics – Outputs section
  • outcome survey – Outcome section
  • impact survey(s) – Impact section

To set a Passport for a course, Superadmin first needs to decide what information about the courses may be collected. He doesn’t create surveys but a closed list of questions available for Outcome surveys and Impact surveys. Later the Course Administrator creates Outcome and Impact surveys based on that list.

Adding new fields available to Passport surveys:

Outcome survey fields

Label – name used for administrative purposes, displayed on the Course Passport page

Question – Question to the student. Here you can use variables like %course_name%, %site_name%, %student_name%

Description – Optional description to question. Here you can use variables like %course_name%, %site_name%, %student_name%

Question type – choose from
Multiple answer

Impact survey fields

Label – name used for administrative purposes, displayed on the Course Passport page

Question – Question to the student. Here you can use variables like %number_of_days%, %course_name%, %site_name%, %student_name%

Description – Optional description to question. Here you can use variables like %number_of_days%, %course_name%, %site_name%, %student_name%

Alternative question – Optional. When the Course Administrator creates an Impact survey he can relate the Impact question to any Outcome text-question to follow up on it. If the related Outcome question has an answer then „Alternative question” instead of „Question” will be presented. You can use variables like: %outcome_answer%, %number_of_days%, %course_name%, %site_name%, %student_name%

Question type – choose from
Multiple answer

Days to release – number of days after course completion, when a survey with that question will be sent to the Student

See more information on creating Passport surveys in Course Administration documentation.


Currently we provide integration with Facebook to use Facebook login.
Watch a tutorial on connecting Facebook login


GrowPoint was updated to meet GDPR requirements and to deliver the best and most transparent experience to your users. However, this does not make your site automatically compliant. To make your site compliant you need to make sure that you follow the best practices of informing your users about processing of their data, gather required consents and ensure that their data is processed accordingly. As data administrator, you are responsible for lawful processing of personal data.
With GrowPoint you can:

  • define Global consents presented to users on the registration form and/or presented after login to the existing users
  • define Course consents presented to users on the specific course enrollment forms
  • pseudonymise user’s email addresses and limit access to them only to Superadmins
  • add pages with Privacy Policy and Terms of Service
  • add custom code, that will be fired only when user consents to cookie policy

In the users profile, users can:

  • access and print out all their personal data collected during registration and course enrollments
  • edit all their personal data
  • view all the consents given as users
  • cancel their consents
  • remove their account with all their personal data entered in registration forms and course enrollment forms

Hide email addresses from Course Administrators – protect student and coaches emails from course administrators
Hide email addresses from Course Coordinators – protect student and coaches emails from course coordinators
Display privacy policy checkbox on contact form – check if you want to display privacy policy consent on ‘contact us’ form.
To edit content, please go to Superadmin->Settings->Language->general->‘’

Show required consents as statements on registration form – check if you want change required consents appearance to statements instead of checkboxes
Show required consents on login form – check if you want to display required consents as statements on login form


Providing your service to the European Union visitors you’re obliged to comply with the general Cookie regulations. GrowPoint uses some cookies that are necessary (like email confirmation reminder, helper balloons display etc.) and optional (preferences of sorting order). These cookies do not store any personal information about the user.
GrowPoint also uses third-party services like Facebook login/share functionality, Youtube and Vimeo video players. On top of that you can add external analytics or marketing trackers in the Custom Code section. Those services usually store their own cookies and if you provide service for european visitors you should add information about that in your cookie policy. Visitors accepting cookies, accept also third-party cookies.

Enable cookie privacy management – check if you want to display information about accepting cookies. Cookie information is required by European Union law. **If user want to access third-party resources like youtube/vimeo/facebook without accepting your cookie policy, then will be asked for accepting third-party cookies
To edit content, please go to Superadmin -> Settings -> Language -> general -> ‘general.cookies.()’

Cookie policy URL – point an URL where visitors can find out more about your cookie policy

User Consents

List of Global consents – manage all of your global consents. All consents visible on that list will be also visible for the users in their user profiles under „Privacy” tab.
Required – decide if the consent is required for registration
Show on registration form – decide if you want to show the consent on the registration form
Show to existing users – if checked, next time the users (that didn’t consent before) will login they will be presented with a pop-up asking them to complete consents. Additionally in details you can specify extra description displayed in that pop-up.
Editing and archiving global consents – You can edit or remove the consent from your forms and user profiles but GrowPoint keeps all the consent history. When you edit a consent content that was already in use by your users then it will affect only new consents, not the ones given before. That way users will always be able to check in their profile what they have originally consent to and when it happened.
List of Course consents – if you need consent for gathering some special user data only for one course, you can add one consent that will be displayed on the course enrollment form. You can manage course consents in Course->Settings->User fields