
Users tab is a place to manage platform users and user settings.

All users

Filter the list of users using a powerful filtering engine. The list of available filters is based on system information, course activity information and user fields that are defined. You can add filters to narrow down your search and limit the results to the specific time frame.

Clicking on a user open user details:

Personal information – all user fields of the user

System information – information about system events like registration, activation, coach vacation and some actions:

  • Show calendar – shows user’s calendar, displaying all courses with Student role over time
  • Impersonate – switch user to see the platform through ‘his eyes’. Remember that actions you take will be stored in the system as if you were that user (reading new messages, writing messages etc…)
  • Delete – administrative deletion of the account. Account and personal information will be removed. All messages will be anonymized but will remain in the system. Historical analytics will not be affected.

Coaching – if the user has a Coach role in any of the courses it will display the name of that course, date of becoming a Coach and optional reviews from Senior Coaches.

Add user

You can administratively add a new user to the system. Add his email address, temporary password, name, last name and system-wide role – regular user or Superadmin.

New users will be notified by email containing their username and temporary password.

Delete user

Click on a username to open its profile and click delete. Account and personal information will be removed. All of the user’s messages will be anonymized but will remain in the system. Historical analytics will not be affected.

User fields

Add and manage user fields available to be used by Course Administrators.

Personal information on users is collected with simple forms during Enrollment to Courses. Course Administrator chooses what User Fields he wants to have in his course. He can choose from the list of available User Fields configured by Superadmin.

On default system has 4 fields that can’t be removed (Name, Last name, Friend address, Friend name). They don’t need to be used in courses but if you do not ask students for their Name they will be displayed as User #xxx.

User field is displayed on the enrollment form if two conditions are met:

  1. Course Admin added that field to the form in the Course settings
  2. User didn’t already fill that field in one of previous courses


“Course A” asks for Name and Favourite food

“Course B” asks for Name and Eye color

User enrolls in “Course A” and writes his Name and Favourite food

After that the user decides to enroll in “Course B” and he is asked only for Eye color (his name is already known).

All user fields are stored in the user’s profile and can be edited there by that user.

Creating new field

Name – this is how the field will be displayed to the users

Description – you can add some additional description to the field (optional)

Field label – you can use the value of that field (user input) in course slides and email templates. To do that specify the label you want to use (optional).

Example: label “NAME” to field “Name”. You can use in Slide: Hello %NAME%,

Field type – choose from the selection of different types like text, long text, radio button, etc…

Allow to sort users by this field – add this field as a sorting option (only for fields with predefined values – drop down selection and radio buttons)

Allow to filter users by this field – add this field as a filtering option (only for fields with predefined values – drop down selection and radio buttons)

Not editable – this option makes the field editable just once – during form fill (cannot be edited in user’s profile)

Show this field in Coach assignment process – display it to Course Coordinator in Coach details